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  • Przemysław Decewicz PhD

    Przemysław Decewicz PhD

    Bioinformatician focusing on genomics and metagenomics of bacteria and their bacteriophages, as well as the development of bioinformatics tools designed for effective monitoring of antibiotic resistance in the environment, identification of (pro)phages in (meta)genomic datasets, and their precise annotation. B.Sc.in bioinformatics and systems biology bachelor studies (2014), M.Sc. in biotechnology (2016). He did his PhD in biological sciences with honors in 2020 at the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw. Coauthor of over 30 original scientific articles. He obtained his experience in microbiology and (meta)genomic data analysis in national and international scientific projects and during abroad internships, amongst others at San Diego State University in prof. Robert Edwards bioinformatics group. Co-founder and CEO of DDG Bioinformatics Sp. z o.o., a spin-off company of the University of Warsaw.